It's Earth Day- so we wanted to update everyone on a special initiative from Ergeon.
We set a goal to renew our commitment to responsible stewardship in 2022. So, at the start of the year, we announced we would donate a tree through OneTreePlanted.Org for every project delivered!
Earlier this week, we made our first donation in honor of Earth Day and we're excited to continue donating throughout the year. Our first donation was in California, where we started, and future donations will be made in other regions we service. This is one small way we can live out one of our company values of being kind; by being kind to the planet!
Since 2014, OneTreePlanted has doubled the number of trees planted each year, planting over 40 million trees across 43 countries and counting! OneTreePlanted works to give back to the environment, protect biodiversity and aid in conservation and restoration efforts. Their global service resonates with us at Ergeon, as we're a globally-staffed company with team members across 40+ countries.
With your help, we can give back to our forests. We're thankful for the support from our customers and look forward to giving back more in 2022!